Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hostages, modern family, nashville 2013 fall premiers

Wow... what a wonderful TV week! Hostages was an amazing show! From the previews, we all knew that it was going to be a thriller. But I didn't like that the previews basically told us everything that would be happening in the first episode. There were ko surprises. I think this problem will remedy itself as the weeks go on. I will keep watching this show, and i like that it MIGHT be thrilling!
Modern family had a 1 hour premiere! It was hilarious, if you happened to miss it tonight. I don't want to write spoilers, but I can tell you that it was well worth the wait all summer! The 2 episodes were VERY funny, I caught myself laughing multiple times. I was worried that this season, the show would get old. But, it didn't disappoint me!
Nashville is on now! So far, it has been great! Juillett's song is really good. Avery's song at the beginning is also amazing! I am really enjoying the flashbacks that Reyna is experiencing while she is in her comma... it is nice seeing her with Deccan like that!
I will talk about my specific thoughts on each of the shows at the end of the week, when everyone has had a chance to watch their shows!
Have a great week!

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