Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Empties!! September...

I have a few empty bottles laying around that I want to go ahead and throw away. Instead of waiting till I have a whole bunch of trash piled up on my bathroom counter, it will just be more beneficial for me to do a post when I have 3 empty bottles at a time.

First, is my toner, by the company image, and the line of products I'm using is clear cell. This is the second part of my skin care routine. I literally cannot brag about this skin care line enough! They are so amazing! I have always had really breakout prone skin, and this was the first thing that cleared it up! I used it in high school, and now I am back in the product! I bought this from the lady that does my facial's, however, I am sure that you can find it online. This toner stings when you put it on. I really enjoy that because in my mind, that's how I know its working well. I use their whole acne line, face wash, lotion, and face masks. If you have acne, I highly recommend that you try this!!
The second product is a kinerase pen for acne. I used this directly on breakout to dry them up fast! This product works really well, however, it only lasts about a month. Every time I buy these, the little pen leaks! It just boils down to really bad packaging. Otherwise, I would buy this much more frequently! The medication in this little pen though is phenomenal. It stings when you put it on, but after 2 days, you won't even remember you had a breakout!
The third product is toothpaste. I found it on sale, so I bought 5 of them. Yes, I realize that it is slightly ridiculous. I had heard great things about this toothpaste and thought that I might as well jump in head first and buy all I could. It was a wise investment! I really think that it is helping to whiten my teeth. I also really like the taste of it... its not the normal mint that most tooth paste's have. But, its really good!
OK, so now that I am settled into school, and I am a week ahead in one of my classes, I can now blog a lot more frequently! I hope everyone is having a great week! Let me know if you try any of these products and like them.... or hate them!
Love always, K

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