Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pretty little liars summer finale 2013

Holy crap.... I wish I could post a picture of my face at the end of that episode! However, I can't because I sat watching in my pj's without any makeup. For the Halloween episode, I'll be sure to be dressed so that I can display my amazement. Ezra is A, Alli is alive, and red coat is CeCe.... All of this is way to much to find out in one episode! One point at a time...
Ezra is part of the A team/ is possibly A was the biggest shocker of the night in my book. I literally screamed at the TV NOOOOOOO for about 5 minutes. My voice is horse... And no, I'm not kidding! How can Ezra have anything to do with A? He's the nice guy who obviously loves Aria more than the world. Maybe he joined after she ended things? I have no clue, however I can say that I am 99% certain that he has  to be part of the A team after tonight's revelations. He seemed angry when he slammed the closet door that held all of the male black jackets. To me, this means that he knows the girls found his lair. Hopefully the writers are just trying to fool us and keep us guessing until October. My fingers are crossed because I loved Aria and Ezra! And yes, I am against their factual relationship, she is a student and he is a teacher and that is VERY wrong, but on a TV show, I guess it's ok.
Red coat is CeCe... Who didn't see that coming? However, I think everyone was surprised to see that there are two red coats! And we thought we had gotten rid of her after she had fallen. Bu no, as Hannah said tonight "that bitch has 9 lives." She got up, and ran away without the girls hearing her. This seemed a little far fetched to me, but it sure did make the show interesting! Wonder where she went... Is she helping Alison and the creepy old lady??
Since I mentioned the creepy sorority house mother, she turned not to be all that creepy, but rather helpful this episode! She confirmed what we have all been thinking the past 4 years, Alli is still alive!!! I'm guessing that Alli is the one that saved Emily from the chainsaw. Now that we know she is alive, who is the body that the police dug up and said was Alli? Who is actually dead? Maybe the twin sister from the books? Who knows?? All we know now is that it has been Alli that has been looking out for the girls all these years. 
We also know that Ezra has been looking for Alli too! This has to be the most intriguing thing about this new A, this A wants to find Alli! Why would Ezra want to find Alli? Could Ezra be board shorts? Ezra did graduate college shortly before entering Rosewood high to teach. Have we ever really heard where he went to school at? Maybe he was in a frat? Maybe it's Alli that Ezra truly loves. 
While I, still holding out hope that somehow Ezra is involved with A the way Toby was last season, it's not looking good for my favorite pair on PLL. 
One more thing, Toby showed us that Mona was safe and sound, talking to Shawna?? Hmmm, we have never seen them in a scence together before and they looked pretty comfy with each other at the bed and breakfast. This season, I have also been team Mona, hoping that she saw the light and was actually on the Liars side. Again, it's not looking to good for her either! 
I thought of something else!! What are Wren and Melissa doing back together?? Was that an airline ticket that Toby found after Shawna dropped it? Wren looks like he is headed out of town, and Melissa is supposed to be overseas. That may be fact, but what does Shawna have to do with any of that? Other than the fact that Shawna, Melissa, and Jenna were seen talking together a while back in season 3. Sure, it seemed as if they were talking about the iconic impending fire, but does that mean that they are working against Alli and for the A team/Ezra? Maybe they are working with Alli... But that's a long shot! It will be interesting to see where they take this storyline! We need answers soon about The Melissa, Shawna, Jenna triangle.... That has apparently added Mona.
As you can see, I'm a PLL junkie! But I really just love TV in general! My shows are: Revenge, Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, Survivor, and Nashville... and Big Brother!! but I'm also looking into some new shows, like Reign on the CW, and Hostages on CBS. I'm sure there are more that I have forgotten about....I think I'm going to start posting about my favorite TV shows as well as fashion! I'll be uploading pictures Sunday, BTW if what I wore this week! 

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