Tuesday, October 8, 2013

What i wore this week! 10/6/13

These are the other outfits I wore this week!
The green skirt came from banana republic, the navy shirt was from target.
the navy printed dress came from a boutique in Nashville, near Vanderbilt University. The sweater is from J.Crew.
Hope you like these :)

Safari day!

Tomorrow is safari day at school! We are playing a football team whose mascot is a lion... so it makes for a very neat spirit day! I thought I would show y'all what I'm wearing! Hope y'all like it!
I have on a call tee shirt! With a chambry shirt over it, tied in a knot. I have on black trousers, keeping the outfit teacher appropriate and classy! Then for shoes, I have on the most safari looking shoes I could find... you will just have to see them below, I can't think of a good way to explain them!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

TV time... finally

Since I haven't been posting, I haven't told you what I think about this fall's crop of shows and new seasons. First, I'd like to start off with the fact that I am impressed!
Hostages, on CBS Monday nights has been a thrill ride! It keeps you guessing like no other! I really can't wait to see what the main character has against the president and why he is doing all of this.
Mom is another good CBS comedy on Monday nights... I am enjoying watching the mom interactions between all of these different generations. and, it just gives a great laugh before the thrill ride that Hostages brings.
On Tuesday, I am enjoying the new ABC comedy's, the Goldburgs and Trophy wife. Both are pretty funny... they aren't modern family but they are overall good shows! I love the last part of the goldburgs where they show actual home movies... it cracks me up every time! I like trophy wife because of the complex family fun. I think they were trying to piggy back off of Modern Family's disfunctional family comedy. However, this is a whole different show with different characters that is still pretty funny! My favorite scene last week was when the kids spilled salsa on the couch. They nailed that to a tee! That is exactly what kids do when they spill something... they fill over the couch cushion!
Survivor has been amazing! I can't believe Colten already quit... I'm just perplexed! I am also loving the family dynamic that is seen. Its been a lot harder on loved ones than they thought.
Modern Family has yet to have a disappointing episode. It is still one of my favorite TV shows ever!
Nashville started off great last week and continued to have a good episode this week. I was loving the songs those actors performed this week... I've already bought them on ITunes!
Greys anatomy had an amazing season premiere! I was loving the fact that Richard lived... I was pretty worried about him most of the episode!
Scandal comes on tonight... WOOO! I can't wait!
There is a TV update... sadly, I watch more shows than that but I have not been able to watch my DVR yet. I need therapy obviously.
Happy TV marathons!

What i wore to school today! 10/3

I should really do this every day when I get home... post a picture of whatever I'm wearing! However, I obviously suck, so I haven't. But, I am going to discipline myself and get better.
So, here is what in wore today! I have on j.crew charcoal grey twill pants. They are straight leg pants that still look really professional. My top is by Calvin Klein, and it has the coolest neck! Its all swoopy and stuff! I also love the geometric print on this! The colors of the dots are interesting too. It has white, navy, cobalt and grey dots. The grey dots match these pants perfectly! Over this, I just wore a white sweater that I got eons ago from old navy.
Now for prices. The pants came from a j crew sale, and they cost me around $15. I got the top from TJ maxx for $15.
Originally, the pants were $90, and the top was $49. Therefore, I had a savings of $110! I think anybody would agree with me there!
Hope y'all liked today's outfit!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hostages, modern family, nashville 2013 fall premiers

Wow... what a wonderful TV week! Hostages was an amazing show! From the previews, we all knew that it was going to be a thriller. But I didn't like that the previews basically told us everything that would be happening in the first episode. There were ko surprises. I think this problem will remedy itself as the weeks go on. I will keep watching this show, and i like that it MIGHT be thrilling!
Modern family had a 1 hour premiere! It was hilarious, if you happened to miss it tonight. I don't want to write spoilers, but I can tell you that it was well worth the wait all summer! The 2 episodes were VERY funny, I caught myself laughing multiple times. I was worried that this season, the show would get old. But, it didn't disappoint me!
Nashville is on now! So far, it has been great! Juillett's song is really good. Avery's song at the beginning is also amazing! I am really enjoying the flashbacks that Reyna is experiencing while she is in her comma... it is nice seeing her with Deccan like that!
I will talk about my specific thoughts on each of the shows at the end of the week, when everyone has had a chance to watch their shows!
Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Shopping weekend

This weekend has been insane! It started out not so great. Saturday morning I got an email saying that a project I had been working on needed some major revision. I was really frustrated with the whole situation, so I did what I always do to make me feel better... I went shopping! Saturday I went to the outlet malls in gaffney, SC. Today, I hit up a J.Crew sale, a Dillard's outlet and TJ Maxx. I finally think I am ready to start that big project again! I have purchased close to 30 clothing items... which is a pretty big shopping hall! Far to big of one to post in one post. Therefore, over the next week, I will post different items from each store! It should be a lot of fun... I got so much cute stuff I can't wait to show you all! I'll also be posting my outfits of the week sometime tonight :)

Monday, September 16, 2013

From Big Brother to Survivor

It'd that time of year again, when the wind gets a little colder and the leaves start to change. What also starts to change is the TV schedule! Unfortunately, the end of summer also brings the end of my favorite reality show, Big Brother. Big Brother has been my favorite reality TV for years. While I was pretty disappointed in this year's casting choices for Big Brother, I am upset to see it ending! I do not think any one of those final 3 contestants should win, but I think it will end up being Andy. I don't like Andy, he is a snake and he got out my 2 favorite players, Elissa and Helen.
But the end of big brother brings the start of survivor!!! This year seems so great for survivor! I love the concept that they have came up with Blood vs. Water. Pittting family members against each other will be a lot of fun for the rest of us to watch. I am really excited to see Hayden from Big Brother on Survivor! I already know that he is the one I am going to be rooting for! However, I will not be cheering for his girlfriend! :)
Wednesday, survivor premiers at 8 pm, then big brother has it's finale at 9:30. My money is on Andy for big brother, and Hayden for survivor... help me in cheering them on!